Skin Restoration Skin Restoration

Skin Restoration

Skin Restoration With Profhilo


Here at Lipfillers London, we apply the innovative profhilo injectable (a hyaluronic acid, HA-based treatment) to restore the skin of patients that's have become loose or saggy. This transforms the skin into a healthy mass of flesh.

Also referred to as an injectable moisturiser, this treatment restores skin condition by catalysing the production of collagen and elastin from the fibroblast cells. It also boosts keratinocytes to improve the synthesis of elastin and collagen. Lastly, profhilo works by maintaining and accelerating the viability of adipocytes which affects the adipose tissue quality.

Profhilo London is suitable for patients with symptoms of old and ageing skin as it works to:

  • Restore worn-out and unhealthy-looking skin
  • Increase collagen production
  • Lowering lines and wrinkles, improve skin elasticity, firmness, and plumping
  • Give a natural outcome to promote young and healthy skin

For more information on to our range of treatment including lips fillers and dermal fillers, you can contact us on 020 31372932

We are located at Ground Floor, 70 Great Russell St, Holborn, London WC1B 3BN, UK.

The following are commonly fixed by profhilo:

  • Skin tone and texture
  • Skin dryness
  • Firmness of the skin
  • Elasticity of the skin
  • Skin radiance
  • Unhealthy and tough skin
  • Face, neck, decolletage arms, knees, and hands

Fast facts about profhilo

  • The procedure for treatment takes 15 minutes
  • The cost of treatment is £350 for a session
  • Patients need two sessions at first within a spacing of 4 to 6 weeks
  • There is no downtime
  • You can resume work on the same day
  • Result duration for a lot of patients is 3 to 6 months
  • Patients see obvious signs of results just after 2 sessions within a spacing of 4 to 6 weeks

Defining profhilo

This is a treatment that doesn't involve any surgery and aims at rejuvenating skin dullness, volume, and elasticity. It is a bioremodelling procedure that uses hyaluronic acid to restore ageing skin in body parts like neck, face, and hands. With profhilo, your skin becomes taut, smooth, and radiant.

The workings of profhilo

Infused with a large amount of pure hyaluronic acid existing naturally in the body, this injectable triggers hydration from the inside. This procedure draws and holds water at the same time - hydrophilic. By doing this, your skin is better hydrated compared to what's obtainable from other cosmetic products.

Case 1 Befor Case 1 After
Case 1 Befor Case 1 After

Disclaimer: Results may vary from person to person and treatment to treatment.

How does profhilo differ from fillers?

What this two have in common is that they used the same hyaluronic acid, HA.

While fillers are some kind of gel with a good thickness that's suitable for filling up areas like the cheeks, lips, and specific wrinkled areas, profhilo, on the other hand, is thinner in consistency and applied to the upper skin layers to hydrate and fire up the glow in the skin.

Defining hyaluronic acid, HA

This is a natural body substance. Its function is to draw water to keep the deep layers of the skin constantly hydrated. It can also be injected into the skin to correct wrinkles, and make the skin look fuller.

How safe is profhilo?

No additives are added to this injectable plus it's bio-compatible since it contains pure HA. Results have been amazing, and lots of persons have been treated.

Who qualifies for this treatment?

As always, we at Lipfillers London offer custom treatment to patients depending on what their condition is. This treatment is usually suitable for men and women past the age of 30 and noticing lines and wrinkles.

When our body starts losing elastin, collagen, and HA as a result of age, it is then that we notice signs of ageing. These body substances are the pillars of a younger appearance.

Does this mean older adults can't get treated? No. Even people well past the age of 60 can be treated, but it has to be done carefully. There may be folds that are deeper, and as such, a comprehensive treatment may be needed in a case like this.

Profhilo is commonly combined with dermal fillers to give a well defined and fresh skin looks.

Treatment expectations

You will have to attend a consultation with one of our expert Aesthetic Practitioners at Lipfillers London. Here, your needs will be discussed, and details of treatment will be explained, so we know that's best for you.

After the initial consultation, the Aesthetic Practitioner will rub a numbing cream on your face so you can relax while profhilo is injected into the pre-planned 5 entry points on your face. They will employ the profhilo BAP technique. BAP stands for Bio Aesthetic Points. Away from primary vessels and nerves, 5 injection points are identified on each side of your face to help the product diffuse better. 0.2ml of profhilo is administered at each of these points gradually and carefully. This implies that each side of your face gets a 1ml dose of the product.

For more information on to our range of treatment including lips fillers and dermal fillers, you can contact us on 020 31372932

We are located at Ground Floor, 70 Great Russell St, Holborn, London WC1B 3BN, UK.

Is a single treatment okay?

This depends on your skin condition, and most importantly, profhilo is a course of treatments. Your Aesthetic Practitioner will assess your skin and usually within 4 to 6 weeks, you may receive 2 treatments. For older skin, it is best to make the treatment double.

Does this treatment have side effects?

Just like the regular cosmetic work, after getting profhilo, you may notice tenderness, itching in the area treated and skin redness upon completion. Within 24 hours, these effects should disappear.

You will be told all the related risks of this procedure and an aftercare plan will be given to you.

During the course of treatment, do well to contact us if you need further assistance. We are always ready and available to help.


It's an innovative bio-compatible and renewable product that restores skin glow by improving the production of elastin and collagen. Profhilo is not dermal fillers, its specific work is to remodel the skin. Since it contains pure HA and zero additives, it is a very safe treatment with fewer side effects.

Downtime is less so you can resume daily activities immediately. You will feel every injection enter your body, but it will diffuse and disappear fast.

Stay away from sports and physical activities, 24 hours post treatment. Keep away from steam baths and sauna for several days too. Please, except prescribed by your cosmetic Aesthetic Practitioner, avoid receiving any other cosmetic work for 48 hours.

Usually, 2 session with a month spacing is what we recommend. This gives the best results. If your skin condition is chronic, a third treatment may be required 2 months after the second one.

For better results maintenance, one treatment every 6 months is recommended. You will be told this during your consultation.

Before the treatment, don't take alcoholic drinks. Also, anti-inflammatory medication such as ibuprofen, aspirin and others should be avoided to lower the risk of bruising.

Should you have a skin condition including cold sore, report to your Aesthetic Practitioner to know if you should go ahead with the treatment. Adhere to your postcare rules when treatment is completed.

After treatment, your skin will become firmer, more elastic, and greatly improved. Results can even last for 6 months or more.

Over a period of 4 weeks, your profhilo injectable will diffuse. Within this time, four different types of elastin and collagen will be stimulated. Expect results after 4 weeks, and better results after 8 weeks.

You may notice some lumps where the injection was administered, but they will disappear within 4 to 6 hours post treatment. Should they last up to 24 hours, don't get scared. A lot of patients do not notice lumps and swelling. It varies from person to person.

Book an appointment

Would you like to treat skin laxity, flabby and saggy skin including facial wrinkles and contours? Profhilo London might just be what you need.

We help patients improve their skin quality like never before. Do schedule an appointment with us at Lipfillers London today.

For more information on to our range of treatment including lips fillers and dermal fillers, you can contact us on 020 31372932

We are located at Suite 23, 117A Harley Street London, W1G 6AT